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Roosevelt Gateway

Roosevelt Neighborhood – Seattle, Washington

Located in Seattle’s Roosevelt Neighborhood, this project is a transformation of a vehicular street into a public park. Unlike many public art opportunities, this unique project offered the potential for the artwork to influence the design and function of the urban plaza. Roosevelt Gateway is a catalyst to action, intended to foster interactivity between the landscape and its users.

Firmly rooted, the elegant curving gesture emerges from the hard-scape surface to form a gateway arch. The sculpture naturally becomes the park’s central focus, and is an iconic point of interactive passage as you walk through. It is constructed of three main steel pipes that are interwoven together to form a structural tri-chord truss. Laminated glass and coated metal panel accentuate the curving gesture through a luminous interplay of both light and shadow.

Project Information

Roosevelt Gateway

Artist: Curtis Pittman
Client: The Roosevelt Neighborhood Association
Competition Finalist 2015
  26’L x 8’W x 19’H
Materials:  coated steel pipe, coated perforated steel panel, laminated safety glass